Steve Jobs with an iPhone 4 (2010)

Who is Steve Jobs?

Many people know Steve Jobs for his work at Apple. He was the Co-Founder of Apple, which was founded way before you think, in 1976.

Tim and Wozniak started selling personal computers and within a year later they started gaining fame and wealth!

However, by 1985, he was forced to leave the company because of differences that he had with the board.

He turned to do other things, Co-Founding NeXT helping create Pixar, which produced Toy Story in 1995.

In 1997, he came back to Apple because the company had acquired his company NeXT. Then the rest is history, he introduced the Apple Store, iMac, iPod, iPhone, and so on.

Steve Jobs passed away in October of 2011.

Mornings with Steve Jobs

He liked to wake up early so around 6 am he would be up.

Steve wasn’t much of spending too much hence you would always see him wearing the same thing every day.

Jobs would be sure to check his email at around 6:30 am before his children wake up.

Having breakfast with his family at around 7:30 am and helps his children with homework before they go to school.

He normally arrived at the office at around 9 am and starts his mornings with meetings at 9:30 am.

Steve Jobs on Monday would have “marathon meetings” where he would review the whole business.


At around noon he would take off to lunch, Steve was a fruitarian so his meals would consist of veggies and fruits he would also occasionally visit a local whole foods to pick up whole wheat bread and vegetables.

At around 1:30 pm he would visit the Design Lab

After visiting the design lab at 3 pm he would attend meetings, emails, and phone calls. As CEO of Apple Steve had his email address public would receive over 100 emails and 10 phone calls a day between his two companies, Pixar and Apple


After work and around 5:30 pm he and his family would have dinner. He had a garden outside of his home so the family would pick the vegetables and make something for dinner.

He loved grabbing some water and taking off with his wife Laurene for a walk around the Palo Alto area


Steve tended to listen to music and meditate before going to be. He would start these sessions at 10 pm. He would also practice Zen Buddhism.

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